How to Compete with Big Brands on AdWords in 2020-21

Published on: 28/12/2019 Last Modified on: 15/09/2020

Over 95% of Google’s $60 billion income comes from Google AdWords and over 1 million big or small businesses use it.

How can someone avoid being eaten by the bigger fish when swimming in the same pond?

Well the following tips will give you that extra something.

The strategic use of keywords in your campaigns will help you compete against companies that spend millions in marketing.

Using Long-Tail Keywords

What is a long-tail keyword? When three or more words are used in a search phrase.

‘PPC’ for example, is a short-tail keyword. “ppc management for travel” on the other hand is a long-tail keyword.

Long-tail keywords in Adwords
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Due to being less competitive, long-tail keywords will receive less traffic.

That is why doing research on the right keywords is very important.

Other thoughts include advertising on different platforms, using ad extensions and re- evaluating your ad copy.

Using Ad Extensions

When using ad extensions a person is given more info about your business and this can increase your click rate and attract a future customer.

Information like locations, reviews, phone numbers and more can be included. When you’re on a tight budget, they can be a real help.

Re-evaluating your Ad Copy

Re-evaluating your ad copy, helps you to stand out concerning deals you are you offering, discounts, free shipping or any promotions.

Create ads that stand out from the rest by including keywords in the headline and putting the search phrase in bold.

Break Down Bidding with Localization

A geo-report allows you to adjust bids based on a shopper’s location. When the dimensions tab in AdWords is used, you can choose geo’s which are worth biding.

Geo-Targeting in Google Adwords

Larger names may use one entire area as a target, this can be used to your advantage. You can target regions based on your site, customers, and goals you’ve set.

Emphasise Your Competitive Edge

For lower-cost products, emphasis must be placed on low prices or sales while with costly products, a lifetime guarantee or good return policy could be stressed.

Recognise, where you might not be able to compete with a bigger brand such as shipping time and price. Nevertheless, if you are a speciality retailer, such as an online Handball store for example, due to this expertise a major brand can be outrivaled.

You can also, state that you always have new equipment in stock due to connections in industry and you also have live chat standing by for any help needed.

Manage the Cost-per-Click Effectively

Budgets and CPCs that are not managed to an optimal level by adjusting your bids and daily spend can ruin you financially.

When checking a budget-capped campaign, first see the time of day it goes offline – accelerated delivery is required in the campaign settings.

Adwords Budgeting
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When in your budget-capped campaign go to the dimensions tab and then choose hour of day under time to see the information you’re interested in.

Take Advantage of Star Ratings

Big brands have their seller ratings on the side their ads.

These are taken from various review sites by Google at intervals and are automatically placed next to your domain’s ads.

For this to occur the domain being reviewed must match up.

These Seller Rating Extensions, are usually missed out on by small businesses, which is damaging for them since these reviews are extremely useful in building trust.

To get ratings, you only have to pick a few perhaps 1 or 2 review sites you already have a profile on, and direct the buyers there for a small time period, after a purchase has been made.

Talk To Us

Whilst Google AdWords PPC management requires a hands-on approach, the best approach is to talk to the experts.

Advice tailored to your website, and your resources is crucial to achieving the best possible ROI from Google AdWords.

Get in touch with us today for a FREE, no-obligation PPC Audit.

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